Introduction > Advisors
- Doctor of Medicine, Psychiatry, The Catholic University of Korea
- Certificate Programs, The University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
- Academician, Korea Women's Neuropsychiatric Association
- Editor, Korea Anxiety Disorder Society
- Director, Korea Society of Biopsychiatry
- Referee Board, American Journal of Medical Genetics
- Referee Board, Neuropsychiatry Journal
- Referee Board, Biopsychiatry Journal
- Director of General Affair, Korea Hypnotic Treatment Association
- Present: Specialist, Department of Psychiatry, Gangnam St. Mary's Hospital
- Clinical Instruction Training, Dept. of Family Medicine, Korea University Medical Center
- Course Training, Dept. of Gynecology Yeongdeungpo St. Mary's Hospital
- Dept. Manager, Dept. of Family Medicine, Yeongdeungpo St. Mary's Hospital
- Clinical Instruction Professor, Dept. of Family Medicine, Korea University Medical Center
- Medical Specialist, Doctor of Medicine, Visiting Professor, Korea University College of Medicine
- Present: Chief Director, WE Clinic
- Present: Visiting Professor, Korea University College of Medicine
- Present: visiting Prof. Doctors Association, Gangseo-Ku, Seoul
- Present: Director of Planing, Family Medicine Consultative Asso.
- Graduated Dept. of Oriental Medicine, Kyung Hee University
- Master, Department of Psychiatry, Kyung Hee University
- Internal Oriental Medicine Specialist Course
- Korea Oriental Medicine Obesity Association
- Korea Psychotherapy Association
- Present: Chief Director Choi Sung Oriental Medicine Clinic
- Graduated College of Oriental Medicine, Kyung Hee University
- Master of Oriental Medicine Neuropsychiatry, College of Oriental Medicine, Kyung Hee University
- Doctor, Oriental Drug Research, College of Oriental Medicine, Kyung Hee University
- Resident, Kyung Hee Oriental Medicine Clinic
- Head, Oriental Medicine Office, Ilsan Public Health Center
- Joint Medical Doctor, Miso In Obesity Clinic
- Present: Chief Director, Kyung Hee Conjugal Oriental Medicine Clinic
- Bachelor, Dept. of Philosophy, Sogang University
- Master & Doctor of Philosophy, University of Gottingen, Germany
- Head of Dept. Education and Scholarship & Professor of Bioethics, Graduate School for Life, The Catholic University
- Chairman, Korea Bioethics Association
- Chairman, Korean Philosophical Association
- Member of Bioethics Committee Korean Philosophical Association
- Advisor, Embryo Research Review Council, Ministry for Health and Welfare
- Member of Bioethics Committee. The Catholic University of Korea
- Member of Bioethics Committee. Gangnam St. Mary's Hospital
- IRB Full-Standing Member, Gangnam St. Mary's Hospital
- Central IRB Member, Catholic Medical Center
- Academician, Life Commitee, Catholic Archdiocese of Seoul
- Present: Professor, The Catholic University of Korea